Thursday, February 21, 2008

Part one

In my first paper it was hard to get in a grove and write. It was also hard to get the amount of pages required. After the first couple of times of erasing my first sentence I decided just to write and not force things to work just let them flow. That’s when my paper started to get some shape. From there it was easier to develop yet it was hard because the topic is so broad. It covers all the way from obesity to foot fungus. This topic can lead to at least to of the other topics. Hopefully I can incorporate then in the following paper.


RiCuS said...

Man, I had the same exact problem with my paper. I guess its harder because you are starting from nothing! Once you finally get going, it gets a little easier. Another problem I had was staying interesting in my topic. If something bores you, it makes it 10 times harder to write about it!

Kelvin Oliver said...

Sometimes you just have to relax and let words spill out onto the paper. If I think too hard about a topic and force myself to write, I get mental headaches. I'm starting to see a clear picture with writing the paper. Keep going and it will be something you will appreciate when it is all said and done.

Jonathan said...

My topic is so broad too. It's like it can go in any direction (even in a direction where you thought was impossible). If you start stressing out about, it just gets worse. Sometimes you just have to let go and let your mind flows until reaches something it can work with.