Sunday, February 10, 2008


I watch Sicko and it was surprising what he found out. Even though it was one of the most controversial films he has done and of course farenhight 9/11. He goes to different countries hospitals to see how a normal day at the hospital looks like and to see how their heal care system works. Even tough CNN and other media crushed his movie I think that if he has the facts to back it up then why not just accept the fact that we need to improved our healthcare system. Also that we are not number one and that other countries can be number one. To me it seems that as Americans we see the country as number one in everything because we live in it but is not true. We are not number one in this issue and unless we begin to change drastically we won’t be. I was in the hospital for a couple of hours because of kidney stones and let’s just say the bill was in the thousands. Are little things like that that can take you out of your budget and you can go into bankruptcy. This is just one of the examples that a bill like that can take on the average family in the US.


Anonymous said...

The average family in America sometimes gets the short stick. Our middle class is the hardest working sector of people, yet they also get the shaft when it comes to taxes. The health care system now preys on people like that, whose insurance can only cover certain things. It drives these people down even further. I'm glad you wrote about this movie because I'm reviewing it, too.

Brittney R said...

I watched Bowling for Columbine, and I can see what you mean about Moore's films. I wasn't sure whether to believe his evidence though, it seemed so exaggerated, some of it. Anyway, I'm sure there's a lot of down points to universal health care too, but Moore usually does only present one side of the issue.

Ryan Manning said...

I also reviewed this movie. I had seen it before. It's true that Moore does present a pretty biased view in his documentaries, but, for the most part, the information that he presents is teh truth. It may be exaggerated to some extent, but it gets the point across most of the time.